What Services Does A Copywriter Offer?
Running your business and being in control of all things marketing, it’s more likely than not that you’ve come across copywriting services. However, when you’ve started to explore just what they could bring to your company, you’ll have no doubt wondered, “What services does a copywriter offer?”. The truth, when looking at copywriting services is that what’s offered may vary from company to company.
What Are Clients Looking For In A Copywriter?
Clients hiring a copywriter primarily look for excellent writing skills and a deep understanding of the target audience to craft resonant and engaging content. Creativity, adaptability, and SEO knowledge are crucial, allowing the copywriter to create compelling, brand-consistent content that also optimizes online visibility. Beyond these core competencies, professionalism and reliability are highly valued for meeting deadlines and maintaining effective communication. While not always mandatory, familiarity with the client’s industry and basic marketing principles can be significant advantages, enabling the creation of more accurate, persuasive copy that enhances brand recognition and drives sales. The specific importance of each quality can vary according to the client’s unique needs and the nature of the project.
What Is The Benefit Of A Copywriter?
A copywriter significantly enhances business performance by driving sales, increasing web traffic, and fostering customer engagement through persuasive and SEO-optimized content. They help define a consistent brand voice that builds recognition and trust among audiences, ultimately leading to a loyal customer base and repeat business. Additionally, their professionalism ensures clear, concise, and error-free messaging, enhancing the company’s credibility. By taking on the writing responsibilities, they also allow the business to focus on other crucial operational aspects. Overall, the investment in a professional copywriter can translate into increased revenue and a stronger brand image.
The services offered by copywriters take differing skill sets and it’s rare that one writer can do it all. Great copywriting companies have a pool of talent that they can tap into. This means that they’re not restricted when it comes to the services they offer and are more likely to be able to assist you with your needs.
As you read on, we’re going to give you an in-depth answer to the question, “What services does a copywriter offer?” so by the end you’ll know just what you have access to.
What Services Can A Copywriter Do?

When looking at, “What services does a copywriter offer?”, it’s useful to break this down into sections. This first section explores copywriting itself and the main areas where you can expect professional assistance:
While there are online written ads and video ones, this can also include the types that you come across in the likes of newspapers and on flyers. When you consider online ads, there are great reasons for using the likes of Google ads, as well as paid ads on social media. However, unless your copy is spot on, you’re simply throwing money away.
These online ads are all about encouraging a reader to click. A great copywriter can provide a headline that triggers that response as well as a snippet that keeps the reader engaged. Yes, you can write your own ads, but why not use a professional who will bring you a much better return on investment?
Email Marketing
You might consider email marketing as being somewhat of a dinosaur nowadays. However, businesses the world over still pay billions of pounds a year to master this strategy. They only do this because email marketing is something that still works today.
When looking at the services of a copywriter, they’re there to assist you with your email campaigns. They can craft emails that keep a reader engaged and ensures that your next message doesn’t simply end up in the trash. A copywriter can help you to build relationships through your emails and this ultimately leads to more sales.
Landing Pages
A landing page has much in common with a sales page. However, a landing page tends to be much shorter and has the sole aim of generating leads. When looking at “What services does a copywriter offer?”, initially they need to write killer copy to get clicks on your ad. The next stage is to ensure that the reader takes action when they arrive at your landing page.
A landing page is there to capture the contact details of your potential customers. To persuade them to part with this information, you need to ensure that you have copy that’s compelling and offers a lead magnate.
Sales Page
This can be seen as one of the most important services that a copywriter offers. That’s because this one has a different aim from the others. With ads, landing pages and emails you’re looking for clicks and taking set actions. When it comes to a sales page, the only aim is to get potential customers to part with their money.
A professional copywriter knows just how to do this. By combining persuasive writing with a touch of psychology, a copywriter is sure to bring a boost to your bottom line.
Website Copy
While a sales page brings the money, it all falls apart if your brand message is ineffective. When looking at, “What services does a copywriter offer?” you should be tapping into their skills to ensure that you have a homepage that delivers and sends the right message.
Although it’s not always the case, the homepage is often the first glimpse of your business that a potential customer has. If this homepage fails to inspire trust and confidence, you’ll find visitors bouncing and simply going elsewhere.
About Pages
How many ‘About us’ pages have you viewed where you’ve felt like it’s nothing more than a history lesson? The truth is no one cares if you’ve been established since 1990 and people are even less concerned with how great you think you are. Visitors head to an about page to find something else.
A copywriter can craft an about page that hits the mark. This is one where your brand story is told and you share your philosophy and values. A good about page gets people on side and wanting to get involved with your business.
Product Descriptions
When it comes to services offered by a copywriter, producing product descriptions is one of the most important. It’s common to look at an item online and then click on the description to learn a little more. What’s often found is a boring list of features that are less than inspiring.
A copywriter will provide you with product descriptions that lead to sales. That’s because they’re all about the benefits rather than getting bogged down in the mundane details.
Content Writing As A Service

As part of answering, “What services does a copywriter offer?” it’s worth taking a look at content writing too. While there are differences between copywriting and content writing, many copywriters will also offer the latter as a service. In our second section, we’re going to look at what this includes:
Social Media
There’s no getting away from the fact that social media matters for businesses today. Whether it’s videos on TikTok or posts on Facebook, there’s a need for great content that resonates with your target audience. Sloppy content is a real turn-off and quickly diminishes any chance of establishing social proof.
An effective copywriter can use their skills to produce content that keeps your audience engaged. They can generate interest in your business so that people are wanting to see what’s coming next rather than simply glossing over your posts.
Blog Posts
Blog posts are great for your business for more than one reason The first reason is that Google, and other search engines, love to see new content being published regularly. Fresh new content sends all of the right signals. Secondly, get your blog posts right, and your audience views you as the authority in your field.
A copywriter will almost always offer composing blog posts as one of their services. A great copywriter can get the balance between pleasing the search engines and offering a great experience for the reader.
A newsletter is usually sent by email and may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Businesses don’t send newsletters as a way of promoting a product or service and there should be no outright attempt to sell. Instead, the purpose of a newsletter is to build rapport and trust.
When looking at, “What services does a copywriter offer?”, there are those who can assist with your newsletters. They understand the need for your readers to feel connected to your brand and they can create just the right tone. Over time, this can lead to your business creating a sense of community that provides a real boost to your levels of trustworthiness.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
If you look at what a copywriter can do for your business, it’s important to understand what isn’t offered as well as what is. When it comes to SEO, it’s important to realise that copywriters are rarely SEO experts and that there are other companies out there that can help you.
However, that’s not to say that copywriters are ignorant where SEO is concerned. When it comes to creating online content, they are masters at weaving in the keywords that you’re targeting. They also know how to use headings that search engines will like which gives you yet another tick in the box. So, yes a copywriter can play a major role when it comes to your SEO but you will still need to consider bringing an expert on board.
Content Conga Copywriting Services
At Content Conga, we offer all of the copywriting services that we’ve covered and more. That means that if you’re looking for experts who can assist you with getting your copy just right then we’re the ones who can help. From product descriptions to email marketing campaigns and from blog posts to landing pages, thanks to our pool of talented writers, we’re able to offer it all.
As well as the usual copywriting services, we’re a little different at Content Conga. That means that we can also assist you with infographics, editing and blogger outreach niche edits.
If you want to find out more about the copywriting services that we offer now’s the time to get in touch. The sooner that we get started working with your business, the sooner you’ll see the results.